People with Developmental disabilities during NYSARC's 65th Anniversary.
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities advocate for their rights on the steps of the Capitol in Albany, NY

For over 65 years, the collective voice of our membership has advocated and influenced elected officials regarding budgeting and programs for children and adults in supported by AHRC Nassau.  Membership is key to the success of our programs and services and is critical in meeting the needs of people with developmental disabilities and their families – today and for future generations. Become a member today and join over 8,700 people in making a lasting impact on our community and the lives we support.

  • Membership equals influence as our legislators and policymakers struggle with economic restraints, allowing us to effectively advocate on behalf of the people we support.  
  • Membership provides networking opportunities for family members, professionals, advocates, and others interested in promoting the well-being of those who have developmental disabilities.
  • Membership promotes awareness and acceptance of children and adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities throughout society.

Benefits of Membership include:

  • Voting rights (applies to non-staff members living in Nassau County who are 18 years and older)
  • A subscription to Nassau News, our bi-annual Newsletter
  • Complimentary ticket to the Annual Membership Luncheon held at the AHRC Mansion in Brookville
  • Membership with The Arc New York
  • Membership with The Arc of the U.S. & The Arc Today, a publication of the national Arc
  • AHRC Nassau publications and invitations to special events